
A family business at the service of the industry.

Picart & Beer was founded in 1907 from the association of a french metal trader Léon Picart and an ironmaster Jean Beer. Picart & Beer started its activities as exclusive agent in Belgium for the products of the Eisenergesellschaft in Germany. After the Second World War, Jean Beer bought the shares of Léon Picart, becoming the sole owner of the company. In 1949, Jean Beer passed away and his only son Jean-Charles Beer took over the control of the company. In 1979, Francis-Stéphane Beer, the son of Jean-Charles Beer, joins the business and develops very rapidly the refractory department. In 1981, Francis-Stéphane Beer decides to do an MBO in a very difficult economic time. Today, three sons of FrancisStéphane Beer, Jean-Julien, Simon and Hadrien, have also joined the business.

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